Vision for Egypt: Egypt’s large population is an advantage

“I hope that we have political and economic stability very soon and that we have security here – but this will come gradually, it will not happen overnight,” explained Eng. Darwish Ahmed Hassanin, CEO of Saudi Egyptian Construction Company (SECON).


Saudi Egyptian Construction Company (SECON) was established in 1975 by the Saudi and the Egyptian governments and has been involved in real estate and tourism investments in Egypt.

“I hope that we have political and economic stability very soon and that we have security here – but this will come gradually, it will not happen overnight,” explained Eng. Darwish Ahmed Hassanin, CEO of SECON.

“The new president has a lot of support from the Egyptians. This is a great advantage that no other president has had before. However, the future requires a lot of effort from the president, the government and the Egyptian people in order to bring Egypt back to where it should be.”

“Egypt has excellent resources; it has a great climate, history, beaches etc. With such a large population of 90 million, some would say this is a difficult challenge but I disagree and think that our large population is our advantage if we take into account that 40% of those 90 million are the younger generation, who have lots of energy and are ready to work hard for the country.”


Interview with SECON: Real estate investments in Egypt | The Saudi Egyptian Construction Company

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