Top Rated Core Banking Solution: Innovation

BML Istisharat’s core banking applications are one of the highest rated in the industry. Recently, the company added a new Java layer and new functions for Islamic banking, making it the core banking solution of choice for Islamic banks and industrial and manufacturing SMEs.

BML Istisharat’s core banking applications are one of the highest rated in the industry. Recently, the company added a new Java layer and new functions for Islamic banking, making it the core banking solution of choice for Islamic banks and industrial and manufacturing SMEs. BML Istisharat is a global core banking and insurance application vendor ranked among top 40 companies.

Joe Faddoul, CEO of BML Istisharat explains, “Well, from a technical point of view, we just completed the addition of a Java layer to our systems. This layer allows us to be database independent and uses less bandwidth, which is great for a bank that has a network of branches. From a functionality point of view, we are adding new functions to our Islamic banking and insurance solutions, as well as to our industrial and manufacturing areas.”

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