Top Core Banking Solution Provider

BML Istisharat’s core banking solution software and application are one of the best core banking solutions available in the market. BML’s Core Banking Solution is a flexible core and retail banking solution for banks that seek the market leadership with heavy customer focus.

BML Istisharat’s core banking solution software and application are one of the best core banking solutions available in the market. BML’s Core Banking Solution is a flexible core and retail banking solution for banks that seek the market leadership with heavy customer focus.

According to global Top 40 iRanking compiled by Inntron — industry’s leading ranking — BML Istisharat is currently number 31 globally, ranking the company amongst the largest and leading Core Banking Systems vendors.

The ranking rates “Banking software applications for Retail, Private, Universal, Wholesale, Lending business functional requirements – Core processing solutions for Conventional and Islamic Banking & Finance institutions, Credit Unions, Microfinance & Cooperatives – leading Core Banking Systems vendor and links information in the international market context – fully listed and ranked in the inntron ranking order based on market activity data, interactive contact interest, & visitor popularity indications that are assessed and calculated daily – the global Top 40 in iRanking order listing.”

Joe Faddoul, CEO of BML Istisharat explains, “Our client base includes Fortune 500 names like Citibank, Société Générale, Banque Populaire, Swiss Life, Gazprombank etc. Our software is up and running in 33 countries, spanning from the US, to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and recently South East Asia.”



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