“the Internet of Everything” could generate US$ 15.8bn of value for Saudi Arabia

Mohammed A. Alabbadi, General Manager of Cisco talks about “Internet of Things”.

Mohammed A. Alabbadi, General Manager of Cisco talks about “Internet of Things”.

Can you talk about your study “the Internet of Everything” that could generate an estimated 15.8 billion US dollars of value for the Kingdom in Saudi Arabia’s public sector?

The Internet of Everything is a phenomenon that everybody is recognising. It means that everything is connected and transferring data in real-time. The idea behind it is to give the ability to anyone to make decisions quicker and to make processes more efficient. Cisco consulting group has done this study for the Saudi Arabian market. Based on the results the experts have estimated that it can have a positive economic impact of an increment of just fewer than 60 billion Saudi riyals in GDP over the next 12 months.

This comes from different perspectives such as smart lighting in the cities and more. Healthcare and education can drastically improve efficiency from technology. Saudi Arabia is a vast country with many rural areas.

Technologies like IOT can enable rural population access to best quality specialised medical centres through video or voice collaboration and also with using real-time sensors. The doctor can perform a real-time diagnosis on the spot. Combined with what we call the city services and the government sector services, our estimate that this is going to have a positive impact on GDP of just fewer than 60 billion Saudi riyals in the next ten years.

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