
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Discussing the Latest Investment Opportunities in Kenya with Olivia Rachier of KenInvest

Olivia Rachier discusses the latest investment opportunities in Kenya and talks about the current strategy adopted by Kenya Investment Authority to attract investments. She also shares her assessment and latest news related to the Kenyan economy, and talks about her vision as well as the next developments she has in mind as the Acting Managing Director of KenInvest.

Brazil Economy: Discussing Privatization Programs with Deputy Minister Diogo Mac Cord de Faria

Deputy Minister Diogo Mac Cord de Faria discusses privatization programs in Brazil, including large privatization processes which are underway with major economic actors, including Eletrobras, the largest utility company in Latin America, and Correios, the largest Post Office in Latin America. He also talks about the real estate sector, mentioning the creation of real estate trust funds which will lead to tremendous investment opportunities in Brazil.

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to the United Arab Emirates: Overview and Trends

According to the World Investment Report 2021 by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), which focuses on trends in foreign direct investment worldwide and at the regional and country levels, the UAE saw its FDI inflows increase by 11%, from USD 18 billion in 2019, to USD 20 billion in 2020, despite the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the same period, the stock of FDI reached USD 151 billion.

Economic Outlook: Projects of the 50 to Help the UAE Reduce its Dependence on Hydrocarbons

One of the main challenges of the UAE economy is the reduction of its dependence on hydrocarbons which, despite efforts to diversify the economy, continue to represent a substantial share of public revenue. Projects of the 50, a series of developmental and economic projects, were designed to make the country the global capital of investment and economic creativity, an integrated incubator for entrepreneurship and emerging projects, and an advanced laboratory for new economic opportunities.

Vision 2030 to Diversify the Economy of Saudi Arabia: The Largest Economy in the Middle East

The economy of Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Arab world and the Middle East. The standard of living is one of the highest in the Middle East, with a GDP per capita of over $ 20,000. The far-reaching public works policy undertaken by the authorities, together with foreign direct investment and the strength of the financial and banking system, have enabled the country to become the number one regional economy and one of the largest in the world.

Fonds de Soutien et Mesures d’Accompagnement : Eléments Essentiels d’un Développement Pérenne des PME Ivoiriennes Pendant la Crise du COVID-19

Le 09 Avril 2020 à Abidjan, le Ministre de la Promotion des PME, Felix Anoblé, a annoncé la mise en place d’un fonds de soutien et de garantie de 200 milliards de FCFA, afin de maintenir l’activité économique de ces entreprises touchées par la crise liée au COVID-19. Ce financement destiné aux entreprises impactées est accordé sous forme de prêt, avec un taux d’intérêt spécial de 2,75 % hors taxes, remboursable sur une période de 18 à 36 mois, avec un différé jusqu’au 31 Janvier 2021.

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