
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Kuwait Construction, Rawaf Bourisli

Interview with  Rawaf Bourisli, General Manager of Action Real Estate. On the strategic level Kuwait Dynamics is looking towards becoming an international construction company, not just Kuwait construction company, and in 2010, Kuwait Dynamics wants to move more into the international arena. As Kuwait Dynamics, we would like to expand within the GCC and further out into the Middle East and North Africa but we are still in the planning stages for our construction segment of the company.

Mohamed Ahmed-Yahia

General Manager – Near & Middle East of LegrandPeople are looking for more commerce, more comfort, more security, more energy saving, in India for instance we found out in a study that there are 300 million people able to buy Le Grand products. Imagine 300 million people out of 1.1 billion, this is huge for us and is a great opportunity for us.

UAE Zones: Dubai Investments Park

General Manager of Dubai Investments Park Mainly, we are not a free zone area so major tenants or clients are GCC market companies and from the domestic market, especially after converting so many areas from industrial to commercial, this is the ideal location or solution for those who have been shifted or are going to shift from their old industrial location to the Dubai Investments Park.

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