Gulf Bank

List of all articles filed under “gulf-bank” category.

Gulf Real Estate: ALARGAN Real-Estate Company

Interview with Khaled Al Mashaan, Chairman and Managing Director of ALAGRAN International Real Estate Company. ALARGAN Real Estate have been very focused on middle income housing. I would say more than 80% of our investments cater to this segment of the market.  As the housing projects get larger we need to provide the infrastructure for these communities and the required supportive facilities.  We always strive to provide the best quality for the price and we are very much in touch with our clients.  We enhance our units on a monthly basis and this gives us a competitive edge due to our focus.

Gulf Bank Kuwait New Strategy

Interview with Mr. Michel Accad, CEO of Gulf Bank
In December, Gulf Bank Kuwait had a meeting with the top fifty leaders at Gulf Bank and we decided on Gulf Bank’s strategic direction. Gulf Bank’s vision was to be a dominant player in the local, conventional banking market, focusing on retail and commercial banking.  At this stage, Gulf Bank is not particularly interested in Islamic finance, or direct investments, or brokerage.  The key thing that came up from that meeting was that for the next two years Gulf Bank will be in rebuilding mode and our strategy will revolve around four pillars.

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