SEDCO: Investment Strategy

Investment strategy of SEDCO.

Anees Ahmed Moumina, CEO of SEDCO Holding talks about the investment strategy of SEDCO.

He says, “SEDCO is based in Saudi Arabia, and we look at Saudi Arabia as being our home and as the base for our prime investments.

We are looking to extend and increase our investments in Saudi Arabia.

Real estate, of course, is a major asset for us and we keep investing in this sector. We are also looking at different sectors. The Saudi population is growing and is young.

It is a large economic power within this region. So, we are looking at things that go along with what affects or concerns the young population. Number one here is education. So, we are looking at investing more in education, schools, elementary and high schools. We are looking at this from two points of view – from the profit point of view and from the CSR point of view. At SEDCO, we have a very good financial literacy program called Riyali and it is under our CSR programs.”

Full Interview: Increasing Investments in Saudi Arabia


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