Saudi Arabia Agriculture

List of all articles filed under “saudi-arabia-agriculture” category.

Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhorayef Presents Leading Saudi Conglomerate Alkhorayef Group

In this insightful interview, Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhorayef provides an in-depth overview of Alkhorayef Group, a diverse Saudi conglomerate with significant operations spanning oil and gas, industrial manufacturing, agriculture, marine, and power technologies. He elaborates on the company’s impressive global reach and robust service offerings, highlighting their strategic expansion and commitment to quality. Join us as Mr. Alkhorayef shares the competitive advantages that set Alkhorayef apart, along with their innovative projects and the company’s philosophy on corporate social responsibility.

Agriculture in Saudi Arabia: Water is the Biggest Challenge

Ali O. Al-Rakban, CEO of Al Safi, Saudi Arabia
With our 35 years of experience in Saudi in the modern agricultural industry and especially in dairy as well as in poultry, I believe we created a world-class, efficient agricultural project. The biggest challenge is and will be with water consumption. For example, today 96% of the water consumption in the dairy business comes from feeding.

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