Quality Assurance at Nyaho Medical Centre
Over the past 48 years Ghana’s healthcare leader Nyaho Medical Center has been at the forefront of medical care in Ghana. As we inch closer to celebrating our golden jubilee, we have embarked on several projects to ensure that we continue to deliver the care with which our name has become synonymous.
Accra, September 2018
Over the past 48 years Ghana’s healthcare leader Nyaho Medical Center has been at the forefront of medical care in Ghana. As we inch closer to celebrating our golden jubilee, we have embarked on several projects to ensure that we continue to deliver the care with which our name has become synonymous.
Quality improvement (QI) is a systematic, formal approach to the analysis of practice performance and efforts to improve performance. It consists of systematic and continuous
actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups.
“We have decided to pay particular attention to ensuring that we not only meet, but exceed the standards and expectations of our clients.”
In line with our values and our vision, ‘to become Africa’s most trusted name in healthcare’, we have decided to pay particular attention to ensuring that we not only meet, but exceed the standards and expectations of our clients. Our quality improvement journey will change the way we think, act and work, and while it will be a herculean task, we are very excited about this new chapter.
Several opportunities for professional development and skill building have been made available to staff in order to equip them with the knowledge of QI methodology. We have leveraged not only our internal human resources but also partnered with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), to learn international best practices.
We have also empowered and encouraged staff to identify pain points and formulate simple solutions that can be tested in a matter of months in order to improve their day-to-day processes.

In addition to structural and operational changes that promote the delivery of efficient, effective care, we have put other measures in place to promote continuous improvement. A significant example being the creation of a dedicated quality office responsible for coordinating our improvement activities and trainings, running quality audits and leading the overhaul of our policies and procedures to align with international best practices.
Process improvement has long been the hallmark of successful industries and over the past two decades it has taken root in many advanced healthcare systems. Currently, the winds of change are blowing across Africa and many countries are making great strides to improve health outcomes on a macro level.
Nyaho Medical Centre is privileged to be selected as a participant in a multinational collaborative initiative that seeks to address issues related to patient safety (IHI Africa Patient Safety Initiative). For our patients this only means one thing – access to safer health outcomes.
About Nyaho Medical Centre:
Interview with Dr. Elikem Tamaklo, Managing Director of Nyaho Medical Centre: Ghana’s Healthcare Leader Nyaho Medical Center is Opening First Satellite Clinic in Accra
Among others, Dr. Tamaklo highlighted Nyaho’s persistent approached focused on Nyaho patients and their families:
“Our vision really is to be Africa’s most trusted name in healthcare, which is extremely ambitious but we believe that it is possible as trust is really about the human connection and the ability to meet the need at the time. Our objective is to build trust between our patients and the Nyaho healthcare system by ensuring that we consistently deliver care at an international standard of care such that Ghanaians need not go to countries such as India, the USA and the UK for quality healthcare at a significant cost. At the core of our mission is a desire to transform lives by surpassing expectations in healthcare by leveraging innovative solutions, a disciplined approach and a focus on the needs of our patients and their families.“
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