Overview of Logistics and Transport in Ghana (by PSL Platinum Shipping & Logistics)

“The sector is down because of several factors. The main factor is the energy crisis but we also have to deal with exchange rates and there are other factors such as the quality of roads,” explains Kofi A. Boateng, Managing Director of PSL Platinum Shipping & Logistics.

“The sector is down because of several factors. The main factor is the energy crisis but we also have to deal with exchange rates and there are other factors such as the quality of roads,” explains Kofi A. Boateng, Managing Director of PSL Platinum Shipping & Logistics, a preferred logistics company in Africa.

“Strategically Ghana is placed close to landlocked areas like Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger and we used to have a lot of transit cargo through Tema which we then tracked up north. Because of the energy crisis and the high cost of fuel, transporting cargo is difficult.”

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