
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Top Logistics & Shipping Companies in Egypt

The following list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt has been chosen according to the size, facilities and scope of services that rank the below companies as the top logistics & shipping companies in the country. The list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt is topped by the leading container terminal on the Suez Canal: SCCT (Suez Canal Container Terminal).

Shipping industry in Egypt: Egyptian ports are secured

“The shipping industry has never been affected as most of the Egyptian ports which were secured, only for a few days during the Arab Spring. All international trade was running perfectly most of the time, except for those few days and only in certain ports in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. The authorities and the government did a fantastic job in controlling the uprising at that time.”

Top Logistics Companies in Kuwait | Agility & KGL

Kuwait logistics sector developed as a result of the large logistic contracts associated with the presence of the US in Iraq. The 2 major players are KGL and Agility followed by Kuwait Dynamics and Mubarrad Transport. The western defense contractors have decreased. But on the other hand, there has been a substantial increase in international construction companies. The sector is still booming due due to the fact that the construction sector is booming with the government projects and international contractorsare actually requiring that service more. The end of war in Iraq can serve as a major opportunity for the Kuwaiti logistics companies. 

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