Major infrastructure projects on the Red Sea

Michael Wuebbens, managing director of Huta Group talks about the major infrastructure projects on the Red Sea.

Michael Wuebbens, managing director of Huta Group talks about the major infrastructure projects on the Red Sea.

He says, “Our key projects are port construction projects and power plant projects. We have projects to do with the marine side of power plants. At the moment this is our focus.

We are constructing a new international sea port here now, 100km north of Jeddah, which is supposed to be one of the biggest in the region, if not the biggest.

This is a major infrastructure project. We are involved in practically all major power plant projects in the Red Sea and also the Gulf. We are working for the Sea Port Authority, which is one of our major clients as the owner and developer of port facilities. The new port that I mentioned is a private port, not a public one. These are our major projects that we are working on; they are all very large installations.”

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