Leader in Hospital Construction in the Middle East – IHCC

Sultan Sobhi Batterjee, CEO of IHCC, talks about being one of the leading companies in hospital construction in the Middle East.

Sultan Sobhi Batterjee, CEO of IHCC, talks about being one of the leading companies in hospital construction in the Middle East.

“I believe the definition of leader differs from one person to another. We believe that we’re a leader because we’re specialized, and this is what made us stand out. We’re a company that specialized in turnkey projects in the healthcare, education, and mixed-use industries – we’re not building all. We’re not a design and construction company that builds everything. We stick to what we specialize in, and become better and learn more – we are stuck in that learning curve because if we build hospitals or universities, then we build many of them. We are familiar with these things, which elevates and identifies us as a leader with this specific specialty. We believe that we have done that and built projects in the billions in the region, and believe that now it’s the time to grow further and add our knowledge and expertise to places, like to Dubai or Egypt or Yemen or Saudi. We’ve diversified our experience from working in metropolitan cities, growing economies, and developing country; and dealing with all the different tariffs, shipping requirements, specs, building materials, construction, and labor force.”

IHCC is one of the leading health and hospital construction companies in the Middle East.

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