Kate Quartey-Papafio and Her Secret to Success in Ghana and beyond

“It is interesting; it takes one to be bold and to take it on. I always say that where there is negative there is always positive. You have to take the positive side of things and run with it.”

“It is interesting; it takes one to be bold and to take it on. I always say that where there is negative there is always positive. You have to take the positive side of things and run with it.”

“You need to be as bold as a lion and say “Listen, the men are doing it, other people are doing it, why is it that we cannot do it?” We can also be there. Especially to young ladies I would say that there is so much that we can do. I mean, what is a man’s field? What is a woman’s field? Of course there are some things that men can do that women can’t, but even then that shouldn’t stall us, we have to persevere. We need to be bold and get it done and we will do it well! That is one of the reasons we have a foundation called the Boamah Foundation, the saying is “When you help a woman, you help a nation.”,” says Madame Kate Quartey-Papafio, Founder and CEO of Reroy Cables (Reroy Group).

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