Kampala Associated Advocates: The Largest Partnership and Most Effective Law Firm in Uganda

Dr Elly Karuhanga, Senior Partner at Kampala Associated Advocates, gives an overview of KAA, the largest partnership and most effective law firm in Uganda.

Dr Elly Karuhanga, Senior Partner at Kampala Associated Advocates, gives an overview of KAA, the largest partnership and most effective law firm in Uganda.

“Uganda has a very strong legal system based on the British Common Law. After the country had come to its knees through political mistakes, Uganda came back to life after this government led by President Museveni came to power. After that, the courts were established, practitioners and lawyers started business, and for us as a law firm, Kampala Associated Advocates, for which I am a founding partner, we realized that to be able to serve international clients, we had to attract the proper talent, both international and local. So, we worked with one international law firm for 18 years, until recently, called Dentons. We then got the best talent in the market, the former Attorney General joined me, and we started a law firm called Kampala Associated Advocates. Most lawyers want to use their names on their practice, but we were the first law firm to have a generic name. We attracted two other colleagues and started the law firm 18 years ago. Next year, we will have been around for 20 years. I am very happy about the fact that our law firm then grew from just four lawyers. I had my own firm, Karuhanga & Company Advocates. We merged our law firms with this law firm then attracted three more international lawyers, formerly one of the Solicitor Generals, and the DPP, and the other was heading litigation who is now our current managing partner. We became seven partners. Then, we realized that we had to reinvent ourselves and bring in young blood. So, we got another five new law partners. We became the largest partnership in Uganda and the most effective law firm. For the last 10 years, we have been the largest taxpayers among the law firms. We have a good reputation now. We are a household name. We have been able to handle most of the major cases that come our way. We have been big service providers for the oil and gas industry because we had the vision for that before and we knew that there was oil. I was President of Tullow Oil in Uganda for about 8 years until just recently when they came in the country. I have been Chairman of the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum. Our legal practice in oil and gas is quite strong. We have trained over 200 lawyers who have come through our law firm to work in other areas. We have been able to create a good environment in Uganda and make sure that our clients, both international and local, are served to the best of our ability, as if they were in any other international law firm”, says Dr Elly Karuhanga.


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