Joy Industries: The True Bitters of the Land with Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties

Dr. Nutifafa Kwasi presents Joy Industries’ flagship products: Joy Dadi Bitters, Joy Twedee Ginger and Sokoo, the true bitters of the land. Made from real medicinal plants and herbs, these products present a foaming characteristic called saponins, which are phytochemicals in plants. Joy Industries is a leading medicinal and herbal products manufacturer in Ghana.

Interview with Dr. Nutifafa Kwasi, Production Director at Joy Industries

Dr. Nutifafa Kwasi, Production Director at Joy Industries

Tell us about Joy Industries and bitters.

Joy Industries Ltd. is the true home of medicinal bitters in the world and Africa. Bitters is any alcoholic beverage produced from medicinal herbs. Our forefathers started the production of bitters when they began manufacturing their own local gin or local alcohol through the fermentation of palm wine and other cereals which they then distilled. From local alcohol distillation, our forefathers introduced medicinal and mostly bitter herbs into alcohol thereby producing bitters. Bitters originated from Africa, Ghana to be precise. Our forefathers produced bitters to enable them to regain their energy, vitality, endurance, and to help with the digestion of food. Most bitter herbs are high in medicinal value and have a lot of health benefits. An example is Vernonia amygdalina, a bitter leaf, which has a lot of medicinal properties and benefits. Joy Industry is the only industry that is producing true bitters like what our forefathers did. We are producing alcoholic beverages from pure medicinal plants and herbs without any adulteration, colors, or artificial ingredients. That is unique of Joy Industries. Currently, we have over 400 varieties of bitters in Africa. Many are artificial and use food colors and food flavors to produce bitters without medicinal herbs. But at Joy Industry, we are mandated to produce bitters as our forefathers were doing by introducing scientifically researched medicinal herbs into alcohol and alcoholic beverages. We can all testify by the consumption of Joy Dadi Bitters. If you taste or you consume Joy Dadi Bitters, you will not experience all the side effects that you experience if you drink any alcoholic drink such as hangovers or headaches because it is a true bitters. Some are antioxidants, some are analgesic plants, some are tonics. If you consume bitters with these herbs, having these medicinal benefits, it tends to reduce the side effects of the alcohol itself. When you consume ordinary alcoholic drinks made from essence or flavor and color, sometimes you will get headaches or a hangover and you will feel the side effects of alcohol. But this does not happen with Joy Dadi Bitters. The testimonies from people in Ghana and beyond collaborate with the ingredients we use. Joy Twedee Ginger is produced from raw tropical ginger, not an extract or artificial ginger flavor or ginger powder. You can feel the raw, natural ginger. That is what Joy stands for, it is purely an industry that has a goal of adding “joy” to our existence as human beings. When you consume any drink or any product of Joy Industry, you are filled with joy. If someone wants to experience medicinal bitters, the only one is Joy Industries. Joy Industry has the expertise, scientists that are knowledgeable of medicinal plants, we have botanists, we have medical herbalists who have studied herbal medicine, we have doctors who studied herbs and their effects on humans. So, we have mastered the whole process of bitters making by identifying the herbs, making sure these are the herbs that we want to use in production, identifying the scientific and medicinal benefits of these herbs, and we are able to standardize the production so we make sure the herbs are taken in therapeutic amounts. We do not overdose or under dose consumers. We make sure the right amount of the herbs or the amount of the ingredients are introduced into the alcoholic drink so that when you take it you will surely experience the medicinal benefits of the herbs in Joy products. That is unique. If you shake our bitters, be it Joy Dadi Bitters, Joy Twedee Ginger or Sokoo Alcoholic Drink, vigorously for two minutes, it will foam. This foam or foaming characteristic is called saponins which are phytochemicals in plants. It is the only phyto ingredient or phytochemical that can be demonstrated without going to a lab. You can just shake it and you will see the foam on the top of the drink which tells you that you are truly consuming an alcoholic drink made of medicinal herbs. If you shake any other alcoholic drink you can see the drink flattening without this foaming characteristic because they are not made 100% from herbs. When you use these artificial additives or ingredients, they tend to mask these saponins, these foaming characteristics, in alcoholic beverages. Joy Industries is producing the true bitters of the world and we always use medicinal herbs. That is our unique brand and trademark.

How do you drink your beverages? Do you mix with lemon or cola or can they be consumed on their own? What is the taste?

Joy Dadi Bitters, Joy Twedee Ginger and Sokoo Alcoholic Drink are the three flagship brands of Joy. They are all alcoholic. Joy Dadi Bitters is 42% alcohol, Joy Twedee Ginger is 40%, and Sokoo is 20%. Those who are not really into alcohol consumption but still want to have the medicinal benefits of our brands can freely mix our drinks with lime, lemon, Coca-Cola, Fanta, malt, even beer to make it palatable to the tongue. Joy Dadi Bitters being the true bitters of the land or earth is bitter. Hence, the name Joy Dadi Bitters because it is made from bitter botanical or medicinal herbs. Anyone all over the world, if you really want to experience or have the feel of medicinal bitters, look no further than Joy industry Ltd., the home of the true bitters of the world.


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