Jordan Report

MarcoPolis presents the Jordan Report focused on investments, doing business, economy and other pertinent topics, including in-depth interviews with prominent executives and government figures. Explored sectors include industry, telecommunications, banking, ICT, investments, and more.

Jordan Report

MarcoPolis presents the Jordan Report focused on investments, doing business, economy and other pertinent topics, including in-depth interviews with prominent executives and government figures. Explored sectors include industry, telecommunications, banking, ICT, investments, and more.



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Pharmaceuticals in Jordan

We export around 80% of our production, and 20% of our production is for the local market. We export to around 16 markets abroad.

Development Zones in Jordan

As the economy grows there is the potential to develop new zones in the country but there are also regional interests that we see from other investors worldwide. 

Five Star Hotels in Jordan

We are seeing about 40% growth in receipts and 30-35% in tourist arrivals. By any standard we are probably witnessing a year of boom rather than doom, and we are very optimistic. 

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