Suez Canal

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08

Top Logistics & Shipping Companies in Egypt

The following list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt has been chosen according to the size, facilities and scope of services that rank the below companies as the top logistics & shipping companies in the country. The list of the top logistics & shipping companies in Egypt is topped by the leading container terminal on the Suez Canal: SCCT (Suez Canal Container Terminal).

Leading contracting company in Egypt: Global Consolidated Contractors

“We can only compete on internationally focused projects; we cannot compete in the local market. When it comes to international projects, where you need to have international experience, we are considered one of the only companies in Egypt who manages certain types of consortiums,” says Mostafa Al Hassan, Chairman of Global Consolidated Contractors (GCC).

Global Consolidated Contractors (GCC) focus in Egypt is the Suez Canal project

“Global Consolidated Contractors was established in 2005. The idea behind the company and even its name was to create a merger between the consortium from international companies in the construction sector and local companies. We work in construction management and we bring together international expertise and local labour to bid for international projects,” says Mostafa Al Hassan, Chairman of Global Consolidated Contractors (GCC).

Shipping industry in Egypt: Egyptian ports are secured

“The shipping industry has never been affected as most of the Egyptian ports which were secured, only for a few days during the Arab Spring. All international trade was running perfectly most of the time, except for those few days and only in certain ports in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. The authorities and the government did a fantastic job in controlling the uprising at that time.”

The Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT): The leading container terminal on the Suez Canal

“The SCCT is a true success story for Egypt… There is no other container terminal on the Suez Canal on the Mediterranean end able to handle very large container vessels. Therefore, our main competitive advantage is our prime location. There are facilities close by on the Mediterranean but we stand out because of our size,” explains Klaus Holm Laursen, CEO of Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT).

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