Horizons Offices: An Indigenous African Serviced Office Operator by Ian Kabiru

Ian Kabiru, Founder and CEO at Horizons Offices, explains why Horizons is different from other companies offering the same service.

Ian Kabiru, Founder and CEO at Horizons Offices, explains why Horizons is different from other companies offering the same service.

“We are local, which is a very big differentiator in that we are an indigenous African serviced office operator. I am Kenyan, but I consider myself African first and foremost. We have a lot of companies who might be a bit apprehensive about how exactly to navigate the terrain in Africa. For a first-time company coming into the region, there are challenges. This is where we can bring more than an office to the table. We give you more comfort because we have a better understanding of how to do business here. One of the things we try to do is to squeeze out a lot of the costs. Making the service office itself is expensive, but we know how to get the job done without compromising on quality at a very affordable cost. Business is all about people and the business networks. In addition to helping you get your business up and running quickly, Horizons brings a huge network of supporting businesses. From a professional business point of view, you want to establish yourself properly. Who should I work with? Which customer should we be targeting? I come from a background which straddles both the corporate world and the entrepreneurial world. Those are quite interesting networks which we make available to all our prospective clients. Horizons calls itself home to “traffic as business.” Africa is different from the rest of the world because we are very warm. We try to build relationships with our clients and much longer term engagements with clients. Many people see service offices as a stepping stone to something else, but we take a different view. You will see that a lot of our clients have been with us for more than five years, starting off coming in slow and being able to grow gradually. We are able to do that because we provide very flexible solutions. Whether you want to have a space for yourself, or as your business grows and you want to grow into a customized space, we take that hassle away from you and we are able to create spaces for growing companies to exacting standards. Many of our clients will come and insist that they do not want to compromise on the standards that they enjoy anywhere else in the world, such as the US or Europe. They demand those same quality standards in Africa and we can deliver that at an affordable cost. We walk the journey with our client. We build the relationships. We truly are a home for your business to grow and to be successful”, says Ian Kabiru.


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