Ghana Garden and Flower Show 2015 | Stratcomm Africa Projects

In July Stratcomm Africa launched the 2015 edition of the Ghana Garden and Flower Show, which is a flagship activity of the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement. It is the third edition.

In July Stratcomm Africa launched the 2015 edition of the Ghana Garden and Flower Show, which is a flagship activity of the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement. It is the third edition.

“Why a Ghana Garden and Flower Show? As a communication company, we look at Ghana and we see that we have good soil, sunshine and water and we have amazing flora and fauna, but we have unemployment, difficult economic situations and livelihoods that need to be enhanced,” explains Esther Cobbah, the CEO of Stratcomm Africa.

“Therefore, we began to communicate to the country the job opportunities in the horticulture and floriculture industry, the income generation, and the health, beauty and aesthetic benefits that are to be derived from this industry. We have been promoting this and it is really catching on very well,” she adds.

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