Ghana Agribusiness Center is Encouraging Ghana’s Youth to Get into Agriculture

“Government should introduce more programs to encourage youth to get into agriculture. That is where we come in as a centre. Our target sector is mainly the youth. Each year about 3,500 students come out from agriculture related programs, but where do they go? How many jobs are being created?”

“Government should introduce more programs to encourage youth to get into agriculture. That is where we come in as a centre. Our target sector is mainly the youth. Each year about 3,500 students come out from agriculture related programs, but where do they go? How many jobs are being created?”

“The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) will tell you that not many jobs are being created in the agricultural sector. We want to encourage the youth to take the initiative themselves, they shouldn’t just wait for someone to employ them but they can be employers themselves,” explains Stephen Debre, Consultant at Ghana Agribusiness Center.

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