Educating Ghana’s Farmers through Model Farms – by AFGRI Ghana

“We go around Ghana once a year. Then, for about two months every year, we have a road show where we train two to three hundred people on basic training, servicing, and how to look after the equipment. We also demonstrate how to use the equipment.”

“We go around Ghana once a year. Then, for about two months every year, we have a road show where we train two to three hundred people on basic training, servicing, and how to look after the equipment. We also demonstrate how to use the equipment.”

“The lifetime for most tractors in Ghana is about five years, but a tractor’s lifetime can be anywhere from 15 to 20 years. We want to educate the farmers to care for their equipment so that it can last longer,” says Gerrie Jordaan, Country Manager (Ghana) of AFGRI.

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