Construction Projects in Kurdistan Region: Salaei Group

Salaei Group consists of different companies working in various fields such as construction, general trading or agriculture. Mr. Hasan highlights the fact that foreign companies investing into Kurdistan are primarily bringing in new expertise and technology. Salaei Group has already successfully imported construction technology from Germany, the UK or Italy.

Shwan Bakr Hasan, Chairman of Salaei Group (Kurdistan region of Iraq)

Can you describe the activities of Salaei Group?

Salaei Group comprises of five companies: Salaei Company for General Construction Ltd., Rastan Company for General Construction Ltd., Salaei Company for General Trading and motor trade, import and export Ltd., Salaei Company for the trade of agricultural and livestock production, poultry Ltd., and Salaei Company for transporting materials, import and export, for example from Turkey to Kurdistan.

We use German technology when implementing our projects. We would also like to buy some plots of lands so that we can use them for our future agricultural projects.

Why should a foreign investor consider partnering up with Salaei Group?Road Construction by Salaei Group (Kurdistan region of Iraq)

The laws of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) support foreign investment into Kurdistan because the superior technology used by the foreign companies is more advanced and developed and our infrastructure lacks the development which the other parts of the world already experienced. We have the financial resources but we need technology which can be supplied by foreign companies.

What are the investment opportunities for investors in Kurdistan in the construction sector?

Regarding the construction sector, there are many companies who have visited us (i.e. Dutch or German companies), which try to bring advanced technology to Kurdistan, especially in case of the construction and roads paving projects in Kurdistan.

How can Salaei Group help its foreign partners when establishing here in Kurdistan?

The policies of the KRG greatly facilitate the process of establishment of foreign companies here in Kurdistan. These policies guarantee more and better help and assistance than similar policies of other states.

In brief, could you please talk about the history of Salaei Group and your background?

My grandfather had worked in the field of construction since the fifties of the last century. We are today implementing infrastructure projects in Kurdistan.

My grandfather had worked in the field of construction since the fifties of the last century. We are today implementing infrastructure projects in Kurdistan.

As a Kurdish national, what is your personal vision for Kurdistan?

We have experienced many problems in the past but nowadays – under the wise policy of Kurdistan government – we are looking forward to more progress and prosperity. Also, we trust our government and we support it so that Kurdistan can become an independent state in the future

What is the particular way of doing business in Kurdistan? What are the particularities the investors should know about Kurdistan, any traditions?

The policies by the KRG provide greater facilitation to the foreign investment than in any other places in the world. There are many privileges and exemptions (i.e. exemption from taxes and the provision of a land for the company that implements projects in Kurdistan) granted to the companies, which I see as the basis for a positive cooperation with investors.Heavy Construction Machines owned by Salaei Group (Kurdistan region of Iraq)

Do you believe that the stability in Kurdistan made it a gate for the investors to invest here?

Absolutely, the stability and security are the most important factors that promote foreign investment in this region, because this stability and security aids the progress of Kurdistan. For example, you can walk in the streets and feel the stability which you can’t feel in the other provinces.

What is the strategy of Salaei Group for 2013 and the next years?

We were able to import the most modern technology from other countries and we are looking forward to setting up some factories in cooperation with companies from Germany, England, and Italy. In that way we will be better able to use the technology when implementing construction and roads paving projects.

What are the strategic projects that can help the investors take part in the reconstruction process?

We implemented many construction and roads paving projects in the past, and we brought machinery and equipment so that we could implement these projects in cooperation with foreign companies – all of which was supported by the government of Kurdistan.

Is there anything you would like to add?

We have brought German asphalt factory that can produce asphalt of high quality and quantity and it works according to the advanced European system. This factory is operated by some national experts from Kurdistan.

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