Chamber of Commerce: Economy Overview and Investments in Mozambique

Julião Dimande explains what are the goals of the Chamber of Commerce and gives an overview of the Mozambican economy. He also discusses investment opportunities in sectors such as energy, agriculture and tourism.

Interview with Julião Dimande, President of Mozambique Chamber of Commerce

Julião Dimande, President of Mozambique Chamber of Commerce

What are the objectives of the new team in place and what do they want to implement?

First of all, I would like to reinforce that this is indeed a new team. They began working last July, upon the elections of the new Chamber of Commerce. When the team was elected to the Chamber of Commerce, our objectives were to create a flexible Chamber, one that interacts and assumes all challenges. When we mention a flexible Chamber, we mean a Chamber that creates business opportunities here and abroad; because the Chamber of Commerce exists to help businessmen to accomplish and fulfill their goals, without further concerns. Therefore we offer training to companies, so they can be financially and organically structured. We also enable partnerships between corporations, helping them to achieve their goals.

You mentioned some training, what do you consider more important?

Well, we want the government to be aware of the international economic environment. But first and foremost, we aim to qualify Mozambican companies. There are companies who deal with exports, and in these cases we might request for the government to help with the negotiations between countries.

I would like to invite everyone who wants to invest in Mozambique to do so. Mozambique is developing and now is the time.

What can the government do in these cases?

In South Africa, for example, there were some problems exporting some products and the governments of South Africa and Mozambique decided together that there was the need to create exporting facilities and an environment without concerns. Which happened. Unfortunately the Chamber of Commerce can only help at a commercial level, on a political level only the government can perform.

What are the strong sectors and services of Mozambique, at a national and international level?

Mozambique is developing, as well as its economy, there are many products and services. We all know Mozambique has minerals, gas, oil, etc. We have energy sufficiency and a great service rendering potential. Similarly the agriculture and construction industry are growing.

Mozambique is interesting for investors, due to its growth. What are the precise sectors in which an international investor could invest successfully?

As I said, Mozambique is developing and consequently there are several opportunities. Nowadays, we have a dam that transforms our energy, this is a possibility for an investor. In agriculture, we have many territories that could do better, if machines were to be used, because we don’t have machines. The type of agriculture we have is underdeveloped and hand-operated, but we need machines to internationalize and sell our agriculture and by-products. Tourism is also one of the areas in which I would invite people to invest. Our tourism is the best in the world.

So, how do you see Mozambique in 3 years if everything works well for the government in place?

Well, I consider us to be lucky because we were chosen to preside the Chamber at the same time the government took office. So, our biggest dream is to see our goals achieved. To develop Mozambique and to produce enough to sustain the people. Our main bet is that the Chamber links itself to other national enterprises, creating partnerships in the country. Abroad we want to improve the communication with other Chambers of Commerce.

With international meetings, or other events?

One of the things we have already started to do is business missions and participations in fairs. Not long ago we attended one in South Korea for agriculture and trade, however we also want to do the other way around. We want to held fairs here, so that other countries can attend, getting to know our banks or other services/business.

What do the associates of the Chamber request the most? Lower interest rates?

Usually they all request the same, but these days economy is not helping, and the Chamber has only been in place for 3 months, so we are still working on creating many benefits, as a platform to help boost companies. Many of this associates request a unification of all members, to discuss procedures, possibilities, etc.

Do you want to add anything else?

I would like to invite everyone who wants to invest in Mozambique to do so. Mozambique is developing and now is the time.

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