Africa: Interview with President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique
In this exclusive interview with Marcopolis, former President Joaquim Chissano shares his thoughts on peace and economic development in Mozambique and Africa as a whole.
In this exclusive interview with Marcopolis, former President Joaquim Chissano shares his thoughts on peace and economic development in Mozambique and Africa as a whole.
José Reino da Costa gives his assessment of the banking sector in Mozambique and presents Millennium bim, the biggest bank in the country.
Raimundo Maico Diomba mentions some investment opportunities in the Province of Maputo in areas such as agriculture, industry, tourism, transport…
Julião Dimande explains what are the goals of the Chamber of Commerce and gives an overview of the Mozambican economy. He also discusses investment opportunities in sectors such as energy, agriculture and tourism.
20 years ago Universidade Politécnica was the first university of its genre; at that time only public universities existed.
Mozambique boasts a great financial and banking system. Here, banks are compliant with international standards, even in areas that require a more “technological” approach, such as payments, cards, internet banking and mobile banking. BCI (Banco Comercial e de Investimentos) has a sound banking infrastructure and complies with international standards, such as Basel II for instance.
Rogério Samo Gudo, President of Escopil Internacional and Chairman of MCNet, gives an overview of the ICT sector in Mozambique. He also mentions some important projects and shares his vision for the coming years.
For Cotur, it does not matter to be number one or the best travel agency in Mozambique. Being best is determined by diplomas and awards. Cotur has been successively ranked as the best travel and tour agency in Mozambique. The awards are not only from the airlines, due to volume of sales, but from outsourcing government companies.
Aldo Tembe, CEO of Moçambique Previdente, talks about the pension fund sector, which is a new reality in Mozambique. Mr Tembe also gives an overview of the company.