Central Bank of Lebanon

“We’re going to maintain the model on which we have worked because this model is guaranteeing low leverage in our banking sector. “

 Riad Salameh Governor Central Bank of Lebanon

Interview with Riad Salameh, Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon

What strategies and regulations will the Central Bank implement this year that are different from the past years ?

“We’re going to maintain the model on which

we have worked because this model is guaranteeing

low leverage in our banking sector. “

It is guaranteeing high liquidity in the banks individually and it is also putting certain criteria for credits, especially in real estate, and the financial products.

When we interviewed Mr. Akram Sader from Institution Banks, he said one of the concerns or major challenges would be the income of the money deposits that are coming into Lebanon.  Is there something you’re concerned about ?

No, there’s no need for us to make any changes and we will remain on this model, and cautious, for this year.

What is the outlook for 2010 ?

“I am very positive, the capital inflow is still maintained

in the country and we do expect an increase in our deposit

by more than 10% this year. The balance of payments has

shown a surplus for the first three months. “

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