Invest in Saudi Arabia

List of all articles filed under “invest-in-saudi-arabia” category.

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia: Security is Number One Challenge

What is interesting about doing business in Saudi Arabia is the continuous growth pattern in the economy; that’s what makes it interesting, not only in the short-term, but in the long-term. Saudi Arabia’s economic growth is driven by its demographics: we are a young and growing population, a big and spacious country (around the size of Western Europe), and relatively undeveloped in many infrastructure areas.

Saudi Arabia – No Longer a One-Basket Economy

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and oil are some of the oldest synonyms in contemporary history. But the kingdom has more to offer than black gold, and the government in Riyadh is working tenaciously to diversify the economy. “If you compare it by GDP, oil represents 85 percent in Saudi Arabia,” says Abdulrahim Al-Zamil, Chairman of the multi-industry conglomerate Zamil Group.

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