Lebanon Sectors

List of all articles filed under “lebanon-sectors” category.

Top Industry Companies in Lebanon

The industry of Lebanon is one of the main economic sectors and greatly contributes to the financial development of Lebanon.
Lebanese industry sector stands for 19,7% of the country`s GDP. As for the employment, the industry employs 13,8% of the Lebanese workforce. The leading companies of Lebanese industry can be found in the paper/cardboard, plastics, marble, cement, wood and textile sector.

Real Estate Companies in Lebanon | List of Top Developers

View the top Real Estate Management Companies in Lebanon. According to the Bank Audi Research, the activities in the Lebanese real estate sector are slowing down in 2012 due to the ongoing domestic political strife and regional instability. The total value of real estate transactions grew by 6.7% in 2011; the January – April 2012 period recorded 4% y-o-y increase in comparison with the same period in 2011. These figures are very low compared to the 32% annual growth which was recorded since the 2005 real estate boom in Lebanon.

Top Universities in Lebanon

The roots of Lebanese education are very old and the powerful education system and institutions in Lebanon are famous not only regionally but globally. As an example can serve the Lebanese American University (LAU), which foundation dates back to the early 19th Century. Lebanon has been always well-known for its high quality institutions of higher education – universities. Therefore, as Dr. Joseph Jabbra, President of LAU, comments: “Parents have been known to say to their kids ‘money comes and goes’, ‘property comes and goes’, but there´s one thing that no one can take away from you and that´s education.” He also claims that Lebanon has always been the first; Lebanon has always had the cutting edge of education. One of the Lebanese education institutions which constantly seeks innovation is Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), an elite university which offers superior postgraduate education.

Lebanese Wine

Lebanese wine production is thought to be one of the oldest in the world. Meet with the leading Lebanese wine producer in video interview with Zafer Chaoui, Chairman of Chateau Ksara, who elaborates on tourism and wine industry in Lebanon, shares 150-year-long history of Chateau Ksara and discusses his vision to produce the best Lebanese wine.

Lebanese Telecom Sector

Video Interview with Marwan Hayek, Chairman and CEO of Alfa. Mr. Hayek shares his views on Lebanese telecom sector and privatization. There are 2 mobile operators in Lebanese telecom market, however they are still state owned, limiting the competition. The privatization of Lebanese telecom sector is expected to start in 2011. 

Lebanese Industry

Video Interview with Neemat Frem, CEO of INDEVCO and President of Association of Lebanese Industrialists. The President provides intriguing insights into industry in Lebanon and Lebanon industrial development. Mr. Frem argues that the Lebanese people are the greatest asset for Lebanon industry. 

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