Real Estate Companies in Lebanon | List of Top Developers

View the top Real Estate Management Companies in Lebanon. According to the Bank Audi Research, the activities in the Lebanese real estate sector are slowing down in 2012 due to the ongoing domestic political strife and regional instability. The total value of real estate transactions grew by 6.7% in 2011; the January – April 2012 period recorded 4% y-o-y increase in comparison with the same period in 2011. These figures are very low compared to the 32% annual growth which was recorded since the 2005 real estate boom in Lebanon.


Top Real Estate Companies in Lebanon

Top Real Estate Companies in Lebanon

According to the Bank Audi Research, the activities in the Lebanese real estate sector are slowing down in 2012 due to the ongoing domestic political strife and regional instability. The total value of real estate transactions grew by 6.7% in 2011; the January – April 2012 period recorded 4% y-o-y increase in comparison with the same period in 2011. These figures are very low compared to the 32% annual growth which was recorded since the 2005 real estate boom in Lebanon.

The prices in the residential segment are still high and thus unavailable for most of the population. Yet the residential demand is saved by the Lebanese nationals who represent more than 90% of the demand. Resident population accounts for 900,000 households with growth of 1.6%. Demand in the retail and office segments is stabilized.

The future growth of real estate sector in Lebanon depends on the politico-economic conditions and relations within the region.

According to the Central Administration of Statistics, there were 74,282 real estate transactions of total value of more than LBP 10 MM in Lebanon in 2011.

Top Real Estate Companies in Lebanon

SAYFCO Holding
Plus Properties
Hayek Group
Quality Construction Group (Qualco Group)
Malia Group
Société de Conseil et de Gestion Immobilière (CGI)

Top Real Estate Management Companies in Lebanon

Sodeco Gestion
Manazel International

Top Architectural Consulting Companies in Lebanon

Dar Al-Handasah
Dergham and Hamdar

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