Lebanon Real Estate

List of all articles filed under “lebanon-real-estate” category.

Real Estate Companies in Lebanon | List of Top Developers

View the top Real Estate Management Companies in Lebanon. According to the Bank Audi Research, the activities in the Lebanese real estate sector are slowing down in 2012 due to the ongoing domestic political strife and regional instability. The total value of real estate transactions grew by 6.7% in 2011; the January – April 2012 period recorded 4% y-o-y increase in comparison with the same period in 2011. These figures are very low compared to the 32% annual growth which was recorded since the 2005 real estate boom in Lebanon.

Lebanon Contracting Company

Matta Contracting is a family Lebanese contracting company; one of the biggest and oldest in Lebanon, started more than 60 years ago.  The particularity of this Lebanses contracting company is that it stayed in Lebanon, and our priority is Lebanon.  We worked in Lebanon during the war, during good times and difficulties. We are happy that we stayed in Lebanon, because now with the boom we’re one of the companies ready to face all of the challenges.

Quality Investment Group: Quality Construction Company in Lebanon

As Quality Construction Company, Lebanon construction company, we are opening offices in new countries. I look forward to see our subsidiary Lebanon Quality Construction Company and Quality Investment Group business plans put to execution and be ready to expand further.  We intend to become a significant player in the investment, construction and real estate industry in Lebanon and elsewhere.  To do so, we will have to evaluate prospects to sustain our objectives and this could lead us to become public in the future.

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