Libya Top Stories

List of all articles filed under “libya-top-stories” category.

Investing into Libya: An Era of Transition

Libya Top Stories
Investing into Libya: An Era of Transition
Eng. G.I. Guider, the head of Libya’s Privatization and Investment Board (PIB) aptly points out that the country is starting from a zero point in establishing business privatization and encouraging private investment capital.

Economic Recovery in Libya

Libya Top Stories
Economic Recovery in Libya
Given recent headlines, no one can now deny that Libya has been undergoing a complex transition that is hampered by the proliferation of armed groups with a multiplicity of political, economic, religious, regional, and ideological goals and objectives.

Libya Reports Strong Economic Growth in 2012

Libya Top Stories
Libya Reports Strong Economic Growth in 2012
With the recovery in hydrocarbon exports, the fiscal and current account surpluses in 2013 are projected at 19.1% of GDP and 26.7%, respectively. Nevertheless, the increase in recurrent expenditures poses risks to fiscal sustainability.

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