Bahrain: Logistics and Transport Hub

Bahrain has positioned itself as a transportation and logistics hub to serve both the largest economy in the region, Saudi Arabia, and also to serve the rest of the Northern Gulf. However, there are other emerging locations, such as Dammam in Saudi Arabia and Basra in Iraq that are developing capacities to become logistics and transport hubs.

Bahrain has positioned itself as a transportation and logistics hub to serve both the largest economy in the region, Saudi Arabia, and also to serve the rest of the Northern Gulf. However, there are other emerging locations, such as Dammam in Saudi Arabia and Basra in Iraq that are developing capacities to become logistics and transport hubs.

Amin A. Al Arrayed, General Manager of First Bahrain tries to explain the strategic importance of Bahrain as a trans-shipment, logistics and transport hub and highlights the competitive position of the Kingdom.  

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