Aseer to Become a Premier Tourist Destination in Saudi Arabia: Insights from Dr Abdulgader Amir

Interview with Dr. Abdulgader Amir, Deputy CEO of Planning and Development for Aseer Development Authority (ASDA)

What sets the Aseer region apart as a key investment destination in Saudi Arabia?

I believe the natural landscape stands out as a defining feature of Aseer. Its rich biodiversity and diverse topography provide a compelling draw. With coastal areas along the Red Sea, plateaus leading to towering mountains reaching heights of up to 3000 meters, and the greenest regions in Saudi Arabia, Aseer boasts a remarkable variety of landscapes. Additionally, our region is home to over 2000 villages, with 400 of them being prized heritage sites. These villages showcase iconic traditional arts, architecture, and local cuisines, including renowned honey and Arabian coffee. Our vibrant cultural scene, including folklore and traditional dances, further enriches the visitor experience. Notably, Aseer’s youthful demographic, with 60% of the population aged between 20 to 35, adds dynamism to our community. Overall, Aseer presents itself as a unique tourist destination with its breathtaking topography, adventure sports opportunities, coastal beauty, traditional architecture, and culinary delights, all enhanced by a rich cultural heritage.

Could you provide an assessment of the current activities taking place in the Aseer region? Despite its potential, there has been a lag in development. What are the latest news?

Presently, we have four significant projects in progress, with construction set to commence shortly. One notable venture is the AlSoudah Development Company’s initiative to establish a luxurious mixed-use resort atop the mountains. This exclusive destination will feature upscale accommodations with stunning views of Aseer’s majestic peaks. Additionally, there is a major city center development spanning six million square meters, undertaken by AlWadi Company. They are revitalizing the existing landscape, to create an appealing urban environment across six distinct zones, essentially crafting a new downtown area. Further south, the Salwan area boasts picturesque mountains and natural beauty, serving as the backdrop for another project. Moreover, we are embarking on the establishment of a vast National Reserve to preserve Aseer’s diverse flora and fauna, including efforts to regenerate certain species. These initiatives are poised to leverage Aseer’s existing allure, particularly its favorable climate and natural landscapes. Notably, during summers, we attract nearly four million visitors from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, drawn by our cooler climate compared to European cities like Amsterdam, thanks to the moderating influence of the Red Sea. This combination of altitude and greenery maintains summer temperatures at a comfortable 20 to 23 degrees Celsius.

Where will the Winter Olympic Games be hosted within Saudi Arabia?

The Winter Olympic Games in Saudi Arabia will be hosted in NEOM, specifically in the mountains of NEOM. However, regarding Aseer, Saudi Arabia has put forth a bid to host the World Cup 2034. It is highly probable that we will have the opportunity to host all the games in 2034. They have designated five cities in Saudi Arabia for this purpose, and one of them is Abha, which serves as the capital of Aseer. This prospect is incredibly exciting for us, as it will garner significant attention for the region. Consequently, the government is actively investing in infrastructure development, expanding hospitality facilities, constructing additional hotels, and enhancing attractions to ensure an enjoyable experience for fans during the games.

Could you provide details on the development of the airport?

Yes, the current airport can accommodate a maximum of 4 million people. With the new airport, the capacity will increase to 13 million. Construction is scheduled to commence next year, with the airport expected to be completed by 2028, spanning four years. It is truly a beautiful airport, unlike any other in the world. It resembles a small village with buildings constructed from local materials like stone, creating a unique and appealing atmosphere.

Tell us more about the economics of the region.

It is fair to say that we possess some of the most fertile land due to the ample rainfall throughout the year. This enables us to cultivate a diverse range of agricultural products. Additionally, given our favorable weather and climate, we excel in producing a variety of crops. As we continue to develop the hospitality and tourism sector, we anticipate a surge in service-related employment opportunities. Furthermore, our proximity to the strategic Red Sea location known as the Gate of Mandeb positions us well for sea transportation of goods and products. This could potentially make us a hub for the construction industry, particularly once the nearby conflict subsides. We anticipate being a key supplier of construction materials for the reconstruction efforts in Yemen and other war-torn areas. Therefore, we are preparing for these opportunities in the near future.

What impact does Jeddah and religious tourism have on the region?

We have been in discussions with the relevant Ministry to develop packages for religious tourists, specifically those visiting for Hajj and Umrah. Each year, around 12 million people make these pilgrimages. We are proposing to include a visit to Aseer in their itineraries, allowing them to experience the region’s pleasant climate and scenery. This presents a promising opportunity to attract religious tourists to Aseer, which we expect to unfold positively.

What do you perceive as the major challenges facing the region? And how do you propose overcoming them?

One of our primary challenges lies in striking a balance between preserving our beautiful natural assets and pursuing the ambitious development plans underway. While we are expanding our hospitality and leisure facilities, it is crucial to ensure minimal disruption to our environment. We have implemented a specialized program focused on eco-tourism and environmentally-friendly development to safeguard our nature for future generations. Another challenge is enhancing and expanding our infrastructure within a tight timeframe, given the numerous upcoming events such as the World Cup and the influx of tourists each year. We aim to retain our young population by providing them with better opportunities locally, rather than seeing them migrate to larger cities like Jeddah or Riyadh for employment. Our goal is to nurture a strong, educated workforce that can contribute to the region’s growth. While we are moving swiftly, it is essential that we proceed with prudence and foresight.

What projects are you currently focused on?

Currently, our main focus is on developing a strategy for the natural reserve, which encompasses one-third of the entire Aseer region. Beginning next month, we will undertake a comprehensive survey and climate scanning project to assess the sensitive areas, including flora and fauna, within the region. This data will enable us to establish specific guidelines and standards for sustainable development. Additionally, we are collaborating closely with major projects like the AlSoudah and AlWadi initiatives to ensure they receive the necessary logistical support and development permits without any hurdles. Furthermore, we are implementing national social development programs aimed at training individuals for jobs that do not necessarily require university degrees. Our goal is to enhance the economic well-being of residents in villages by providing them with essential facilities such as education and healthcare.

What is your vision in the short term?

Firstly, within a year, we aim to complete the city planning framework to ensure all developments align with our vision and direction. Additionally, we plan to focus on revitalizing around 20 to 30 villages, transforming them into success stories, while also enhancing approximately 400 existing villages to become attractive tourist destinations. Furthermore, we intend to initiate the construction of at least 1500 hotel rooms over the next two years and enhance road infrastructure to ensure improved accessibility throughout the region.

What inspires you in your work?

Well, over the past decade, I have developed a profound fondness for this region. Its quality of life, pleasant climate, breathtaking nature, and the warmth of its people are truly remarkable. Unlike many other areas in Saudi Arabia, Aseer has maintained strong cultural roots and a sense of identity. When the Crown Prince announced the Aseer strategy two years ago, outlining his vision for it to become a premier tourist destination, I was inspired. Knowing the unwavering support provided by the central government, especially His Royal Highness, I saw an opportunity to contribute. With 25 years of experience in the planning sector, I viewed it as a fulfilling challenge to leverage my expertise towards realizing this ambitious objective.

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