An Overview of the Angel Investor Industry in Ghana by Richard Nii-Armah Quaye of Quick Angels

Richard Nii-Armah Quaye, CEO of Quick Angels, shares his assessment of the angel investor industry in Ghana.

Richard Nii-Armah Quaye, CEO of Quick Angels, shares his assessment of the angel investor industry in Ghana.

“Quick Angels is an angel investor company. We focus on supporting startups and businesses at their early stages with equity funding. The angel investor industry is very common in developed economies such as the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, India, China. There are a lot of angel investors out there helping young entrepreneurs and young businesses build great companies for the future, changing the world, changing lives, creating jobs for thousands and millions of people, and building economies over years. The angel investor industry is a very important industry that has come to make the world a better place. We have brilliant companies that have been built together with or have been established today because of angel investors. Back home here in Ghana, unfortunately, we do not have angel investors at all. We have been trying to build our economy for years by ourselves. That is a great problem for the economy and for me. I am an entrepreneur myself and when I started my business, it was very difficult for me to generate funds. I felt like giving up because there was no support coming in from anywhere. Angel investors, once present in Ghana, will help people that would be in the same situation that I was in years ago. That is why I have established Quick Angels. I have come in as a pioneer in our economy and our country to start this angel investing ecosystem here to support young entrepreneurs and businesses and give people confidence to be innovative and believe that once they come up with a smart business idea, this time around, there is a place for them to go to get funding to help start what they believe in”, says Richard Nii-Armah Quaye.


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