AMP Global: Enabling Media Companies Reach, Retain and Understand Global Youth Audiences

Lucia Brawley and Derrick Ashong, Founders and Partners at AMP Global, explain how their innovative solution can help media companies reach, retain and understand global youth audiences through high-quality content.

Lucia Brawley and Derrick Ashong, Founders and Partners at AMP Global, explain how their innovative solution can help media companies reach, retain and understand global youth audiences through high-quality content.

“Ashong: When I was in graduate school, I was researching the future of the media industry and I realized that there were some big gaps in how artists were compensated, and how value was assigned. I also realized that the audience was the most critical factor for success but was being ignored in terms of the rewards and benefits of that success. That is one thing. My initial research got me pulled out of my PhD and into industry and I wound up working with a lot of luminaries in the space. I consulted for big companies like Visa, Nokia, and MySpace when it was around. I got the opportunity to work for big names in the industry, a couple of hundred million-plus selling record producers. I got to work with Oprah and Steven Spielberg, and big companies like BET, Aljazeera, ABC Disney, and Univision. Ultimately, I realized that we were doing all this stuff in the media, but we do not know who is watching. Everybody had guesstimates about what it means to have ratings but no real direct relationship with the end consumer of their content. Those things merged into an understanding that we do not know who is watching, and secondly, nobody is paying enough attention to reward and elevate the consumer for the value that they bring to the table. That was the general issue that made us realize that there was a huge opportunity to speak directly to the consumer, to value them for their behavior and engagement and to draw them into a rewarding experience. Here is an anecdote. I fly everywhere and earn miles on Emirates, I stay at a certain place and get my benefits for always staying at the same spot, or if I go to the same coffee shop for ten days in a row, I get a free coffee at the end of the two weeks. But if I’m the biggest fan of Wonder Woman or Ironman, of Rihanna or the biggest Lady Gaga fan, what do I get? Nothing. There is a huge opportunity to take these fans and reward them for their behavior that drives the industry. That is the core problem that we solved”, says Derrick Ashong.

“The way we look at it is we reach, retain and understand global youth audiences and we reach them with award-winning content. We have a couple of Emmy nods, and gold and silver Telly Awards opposite HBO, Netflix and Disney. We retain them with interactivity that includes social features, gamification with points and levels, and also with rewards including blockchain currency and other ways we can remunerate and reward fans for creating the value chain that is culture. And as we gain more users and are able to track granular audience consumption habits and consumer data with analytics, we can provide that information to brands and media companies to help them better understand global youth audiences. If you look at ecommerce, you have Amazon and Sephora that are online tracking every consumer. They know everything about that consumer such as their age, their race, their location, how many times a month they buy lipstick, and what color lipstick they like. In other words, the most granular data. If you go to media companies, or brand marketers who are using content marketing, they know nothing about their audience. So, what we do is provide media companies and brand marketers with information on how they can reach, retain and understand global youth audiences”, says Lucia Brawley.

“The tactical way we do it is through platforms. It is a video on demand service, but it has high-quality content with the full interactivity of social media. And rather than appealing to a general market, we focus exclusively on global youth audiences. People who want to see great content that is designed for them and that crosses geographic and cultural barriers. We think of content that has global resonance and local relevance. That platform then gives you a wonderful social experience around great content, and the gamification features and data analytics etc. are built into the platform. The beauty is we do not scrape the data off and sell it to partners and advertisers because the consumer decides where they want to share the data and with whom. So, if you are a brand or advertiser offering a reward to a consumer, and the consumer likes the reward and wants to engage with your brand, they can then choose to get that discount, or that coupon or whatever it is that is on offer using a digital currency, and by doing that they agree to share their data so they can get their reward. It is a fan-centered model for protecting user privacy while embracing and expanding the reward ecosystem for the consumer’s consumption of content”, they add.

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