Alsofy Group of Companies: Interview with Ibrahim Sofy

New shopping malls are being built throughout the Kurdistan region and the retail sector in the Iraqi Kurdistan is picking up. The retail market is now capable of accommodating international brands and it can thus compete even with the market in Dubai.

Ibrahim Sofy, Deputy President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and General & Executive Manager of Alsofy Group of Companies, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Please, tell us about the retail sector in Kurdistan and its potential. There are many brands from Turkey and from other places coming over here because they see numerous market opportunities in Kurdistan. What is your take on the retail sector in Kurdistan?

As for the brands, Erbil has taken steady steps along with Kurdistan in general. We know that the brands we have here compete with the ones found in Dubai and other Gulf countries, putting us in an excellent status. We also know that Kurdistan’s markets can accommodate these brands. As for trading and commerce, Erbil has become the main gate for Iraq.Retail sector in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Now let’s talk about the agriculture in Kurdistan. You yourself are involved in the agriculture and you have a big ongoing project. Can you tell us about this agricultural project and the potentials of this sector?

We have an agricultural project (greenhouse), which is considered one of the biggest agricultural projects in Iraq when it comes to vegetables. We already started it and we reached advanced stages and, hopefully, the project will be completed by next year.

Finally, is Kurdistan a good and safe place to invest?

Definitely, since the security and stability found in Kurdistan is not found anywhere else, especially when it comes to the facilitations provided for the investors. They can withdraw their capitals whenever they want and without any restrictions, while being exempted from all taxes.

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