Key Investment Opportunities in Ghana According to GIPC (Ghana Investment Promotion Centre)

“We are compelled to look again at retooling and reengineering some of the existing power infrastructure but also bringing on stream alternative renewable energy solutions etc. and ensuring that they are there for the sustainable future of our industry, business, the residential requirements etc.,” says Mawuena Trebarh, CEO of GIPC (Ghana Investment Promotion Centre).

“We are compelled to look again at retooling and reengineering some of the existing power infrastructure but also bringing on stream alternative renewable energy solutions etc. and ensuring that they are there for the sustainable future of our industry, business, the residential requirements etc.,” says Mawuena Trebarh, CEO of GIPC (Ghana Investment Promotion Centre).

Also, “we need to continue to close those ‘ease of doing business’ gaps so we need investments in our port infrastructure, our roads, our railway systems, our airport facilities etc.,” she adds.

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