Ghana’s Rlg Communications Is A Pan African ICT Company

“Across the Rlg Group in the UAE, China and Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and a host of other African countries that we are in, we have created the most sophisticated standard business; we want to be seen as not just as an African company,” says Roland Agambire, Chairman of AGAMS Holdings and Group Chairman of Rlg Communications Group.

“Across the Rlg Group in the UAE, China and Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and a host of other African countries that we are in, we have created the most sophisticated standard business; we want to be seen as not just as an African company,” says Roland Agambire, Chairman of AGAMS Holdings and Group Chairman of Rlg Communications Group.

“Our dream is to constantly create quality and ensure that consumers are not getting anything less when it comes to talking about Africa. We want the African dream to be something that is respected, admired, and something that can be taken seriously,” he adds.

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