Business Opportunities in Kurdistan

Dara Jalil Al-Khayat, President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry, talks about business opportunities in Kurdistan.

Dara Jalil Al-Khayat, President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry, talks about business opportunities in Kurdistan.

Mr. Al-Khayat says: “One of the most important tasks assigned to all chambers of commerce in the entire world — especially since we try our best to promote and explain our duties — is to try to encourage investors, capitalists, businessmen, traders and entrepreneurs to come here and start their own business, companies and build their facilities – on their own or with the help of the locals.”

According to Al-Khayat, the Erbil Chamber of Commerce & Industry tries to prepare business opportunities for businessmen to work freely away from the tight control over the markets, leaving them to work without any limitation to trade and commerce. Furthermore Al-Khayat stresses the investment law and security as an enabler to business.

Business opportunities currently exist in agriculture, import-export, retail, infrastructure, industry and tourism.

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