Top Telecoms in Côte d’Ivoire has listed the main telecom companies and institutions in Ivory Coast.

Telecom companies in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast’s

Top Telecom Companies has listed the main telecom companies and institutions in Ivory Coast.

The country has 22 million inhabitants and about 18 million customers for 6 operators in activity. The telecom sector is therefore very dynamic, with a penetration rate of 89%.

The sector is dominated by mobile telephony, with South Africa’s MTN and France’s Orange leading the market. The launch of three additional ore GSM networks between 2006 and 2008 – Moov (owned by Etisalat of the UAE until it was sold to Maroc Telecom in May 2014), KoZ (operated by the Lebanese Comium Group) and Green Network (backed by Libya’s LAP Green) – has accelerated market growth and pushed mobile penetration well above the African average.

The vision of the regulator for the market is to cut back on the number of telecom companies and to create 3 or 4 integrated/converged telecom companies that offer multiple services: “There are seven licences. We aim to cut the number of mobile operators and keep only those who are performing very well,” said Diemeleou Bile, Director General of ARTCI.

As for Internet penetration in the country, it has been slower and the Internet broadband is largely underdeveloped due to the high cost of international bandwidth.

Rank Company Country Sector Description

Orange Côte d’Ivoire

Ivory Coast Telecoms Orange Côte d’Ivoire is a telecom company which is 85% owned by France Telecom and 15% by the Sifcom group. Its business operations started in October 1996. Orange is the leading mobile operator in Ivory Coast. In an interview, Mr Bamba, CEO of the company, said that: “The main factor for our success is, undeniably, investment. It represents today 20% of our annual turnover, and helps us to assure that we have the best network coverage and the best quality of service anywhere in Ivory Coast.”

MTN Côte d’ivoire

Ivory Coast Telecoms MTN Côte d’Ivoire is a telecommunications company that was established in July 2005. The company is the leader in number of subscribers with more than 8 million subscribers in Ivory Coast. MTN wants to be a global player, providing solutions for fixed, mobile and Internet at very high speed.

Moov Côte d’Ivoire

Ivory Coast Telecoms Moov is a mobile operator, subsidiary of Etisalat, which operates in several countries in West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Central African Republic, Niger and Togo. In Ivory Coast, it’s the third mobile operator behind Orange and MTN.

Koz/Comium CI

Ivory Coast Telecoms Koz is an Ivorian telecommunications operator, subsidiary of the Lebanese multinational Comium. Launched in May 2007, Koz is the fourth mobile operator in Ivory Coast.

GreenN Côte d’Ivoire

Ivory Coast Telecoms GreenN was launched on the Ivorian market in December 2008, with an atypical procedure. In fact the company launched its services in 10 cities simultaneously. GreenN reached a record of more than 925,000 subscribers in only a few months.

Alink Telecom

Ivory Coast Telecoms Subsidiary of the Lokajean Group, Alink Telecom is a pioneer in the telecommunications sector in Central and West Africa. With a presence in over 13 African countries, the group has been supplying efficient telecommunications solutions, that are cost effective and reliable, since 1994.

ARTCI (Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d’Ivoire)

Ivory Coast Telecoms ARTCI is the Telecommunications/ICT Regulatory Body of Ivory Coast.

ANSUT (Agence Nationale du Service Universel des Télécommunications/TIC)

Ivory Coast Telecoms ANSUT is the Ivoirian Agency for Universal Telecommunications Services.

AIGF (Agence Ivoirienne de Gestion des Fréquences Radioélectriques)

Ivory Coast Telecoms AIGF is the Ivoirian Radioelectric Frequency Management Agency.

Ministère de la Poste et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication de Côte d’Ivoire

Ivory Coast Telecoms The Ministry of Post and ICT of Ivory Coast.





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