Top Core Banking Software Solutions Provider in Lebanon

The IT sector in Lebanon represents a major part of the Lebanese economy. Lebanese IT products and services (including software, hardware, digital, and security) are successfully exported abroad.
Altogether there are 106 software houses in Lebanon.


Top Core Banking Software Solutions Provider in Lebanon

Top Core Banking Software Solutions Provider in Lebanon

IT sector in Lebanon represents a major part of the Lebanese economy. Lebanese IT products and services (including software, hardware, digital, and security) are successfully exported abroad.

Altogether there are 106 software houses in Lebanon.

Top Core Banking Software Solutions Provider in Lebanon

 BML Istisharat
Since its establishment in 1972, BML Istisharat has been successfully developing and supporting application software geared towards banks, insurances, manufacturing and distribution firms.
BML Istisharat has already implemented its software in more than 30 countries and to over 300 clients including large banks and other important institutions around the globe. The future clients should be from Russia, Asia and the CIS countries.
Joe Faddoul, Chairman of the company, views BML Istisharat as “an equivalent of a boutique hotel in the world of IT, banking and insurance: we pamper our clients and build a personal relationship with them.”

Leader in Banking, Insurance and ERP Software Products in Lebanon (Interview with BML Istisharat)
Core Banking: Software, Solutions and Banking Systems (Company Profile)
Core Banking Software: “Parameterisation, Flexibility, and Adaptation” (Article)

About BML Istisharat
Strategy of BML Istisharat
Future of Cloud Computing in Banking Sector
Lebanon: IT Sector is Booming
Impact of Globalization on IT Companies
Russian Market for Core Banking Software
Main Advantages of BML’s Core Banking and Insurance Software
Challenges of IT Sector in Lebanon
Core Banking Trend: Convergence of Core Banking and Insurance Software

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