The National Dialogue in Bahrain: Reforms and Progress 2011-2013

Sameera Rajab, Minister of State for Information and Head of IAA Bahrain, talks about the progress and outcome of the first round of the National Dialogue in Bahrain. She also maps out the steady progress for human rights and reforms.

Sameera Rajab, Minister of State for Information and Head of IAA Bahrain, talks about the progress and outcome of the first round of the National Dialogue in Bahrain. She also maps out the steady progress for human rights and reforms.

The minister first highlights the progress that has been made since 2011: “After the national dialogue in the year 2011 we came out with major constitutional amendments, like giving full authority to the elected parliament, and now the parliament became the main partner in selecting cabinet of ministers, thus it has the right to either accept or refuse the cabinet before it gets officially assigned.”

The second most important outcome of the National Dialogue “was the establishment of the Ministry for human rights in 2012, which is today committed to developing everything related to human rights in Bahrain. This includes major developments in the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, public prosecution and all the institutes that belong to the state that will give the matters of human rights good judicial and practical support,” concludes Rajab.

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