Transport & Logistics

imported 2024-03-17 17:43:09

Euro Commercials: Transportation, Haulage and Heavy Lifting in Tanzania by Dismas Massawe

Dismas Massawe gives an overview of Euro Commercials Ltd, one of the market leaders in the transportation and haulage industry in Tanzania. EuroCom was founded in 2003 and has recently started moving into more areas, including heavy lifting, shipping, mining and other industries. Dismas Leone Massawe also discusses doing business in Tanzania and shares his vision to be one of the largest companies in lifting and heavy lifting in the region.

Dow Elef International: Freight Clearing, Freight Forwarding, Shipping and Freight Logistics in Tanzania

Emmanuel Kazimoto gives an overview of Dow Elef International, a company specialized in freight clearing, freight forwarding, shipping and freight logistics. He also talks about the challenges to be faced by the company and the logistics sector in Tanzania and shares his projects and vision for the medium term.

Services Logistiques: Présentation des Activités et Projets de DHL Sénégal par Abdoulaye Thiam

Abdoulaye Thiam présente DHL Sénégal et nous parle du secteur de la logistique dans le pays. Il évoque également les projets du moment et partage sa vision pour le secteur dans les trois prochaines années. DHL est le leader mondial du transport et de la logistique et offre un portefeuille inégalé de services de logistique, allant de la distribution nationale et internationale de colis, au transport express international, en passant par le fret routier, ferroviaire, aérien et maritime, ainsi que la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement industrielles.

Tracking and Fleet Management in Uganda: An Overview of Track24 by Mas Yunus

Masaba ‘Mas’ Yunus gives an overview of Track24, a leading provider of fleet management solutions for small, mid-sized and big businesses. The company is a member of the Mas Group of Companies and is located in Kampala, Uganda. The young entrepreneur also discusses the impacts of COVID on the company and the sector, and shares his vision for the future.

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