
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:07

Vision 2030 to Diversify the Economy of Saudi Arabia: The Largest Economy in the Middle East

The economy of Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Arab world and the Middle East. The standard of living is one of the highest in the Middle East, with a GDP per capita of over $ 20,000. The far-reaching public works policy undertaken by the authorities, together with foreign direct investment and the strength of the financial and banking system, have enabled the country to become the number one regional economy and one of the largest in the world.

Transformation du Caoutchouc : l’Etat Ivoirien Renforce les Mesures Incitatives pour Augmenter la Capacité de Transformation de la Production Locale

Le mardi 16 Juin 2020 en Côte d’Ivoire, 12 des 19 entreprises dans la transformation de l’hévéa ont signé des conventions spécifiques avec l’Etat afin de bénéficier de mesures incitatives en faveur des investissements visant à augmenter leurs capacités de traitement des fonds de tasses.

Charles Mbire Confirms MTN Uganda sh380b Payment for the Renewal of its 12 Years Licence

On Friday June 12, 2020, MTN Uganda completed the payment of sh380b ($100m) for the renewal of its licence, which expired in October 2018. The new license will become operational on July 1st, 2020, and will run until 2032, after which MTN will then have full geographical access coverage of Uganda. The company will also be able to improve the quality of telecommunication services and boost investment in the sector for both existing and new telecom operators.

Fonds de Soutien et Mesures d’Accompagnement : Eléments Essentiels d’un Développement Pérenne des PME Ivoiriennes Pendant la Crise du COVID-19

Le 09 Avril 2020 à Abidjan, le Ministre de la Promotion des PME, Felix Anoblé, a annoncé la mise en place d’un fonds de soutien et de garantie de 200 milliards de FCFA, afin de maintenir l’activité économique de ces entreprises touchées par la crise liée au COVID-19. Ce financement destiné aux entreprises impactées est accordé sous forme de prêt, avec un taux d’intérêt spécial de 2,75 % hors taxes, remboursable sur une période de 18 à 36 mois, avec un différé jusqu’au 31 Janvier 2021.

Real Estate in Kenya: How Tilisi are Ensuring Business Continuity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Two months ago, the Kenyan government announced an official curfew starting 27th March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the virus has touched almost every sector of the economy including real estate. Tilisi, like many companies all over the world, finds itself in a unique situation having to quickly adapt and learn to navigate uncharted territory.

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