
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:09

Kenya Education: Ashut Continues to Dominate the Market With its High-End, Locally Produced Classroom Furniture

Ashut Engineers Ltd continues to dominate the Kenyan market with high-end, locally produced classroom furniture. With over 40 years of industrial experience, Ashut Engineers prides itself as a leading manufacturer of assorted high-quality furniture for educational institutions from kindergarten to tertiary learning institutions.

Ponea Health: A Global 3-Sided Marketplace Connecting Patients, Healthcare Professionals and Partners

Michael Macharia explains how the Ponea Heatlh concept was born. Ponea is Africa’s first global 3-sided marketplace connecting patients, healthcare professionals and partners, made in Kenya. Ponea’s strategy is to remove all the friction involved in accessing, providing and paying for health and well-being care for people of all demographics anywhere in the world, through a transparent and easy to use platform.

Manufacturing Sector in East Africa: Kunal Patel Presents Comply Industries and Ustawi Grain Millers

Kunal Patel gives an overview of Comply Industries, a company specialized in particle board and medium-density fibreboard furniture in East Africa and established in Kenya for the last 25 years, as well as Ustawi Grain Millers, a company established in 2020 with an aim to be a prominent market player in the wheat flour and maize flour sector. Sarrai Group is a conglomerate of diverse and inter-related agro-manufacturing companies across East and Southern Africa.

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