Governor Raimundo Colombo: International Partnerships in Santa Catarina
Raimundo Colombo, Governor of Santa Catarina, explains the success of the companies in the State.
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:08
Raimundo Colombo, Governor of Santa Catarina, explains the success of the companies in the State.
Marcopolis presents the Levant power circles and names you should know when doing business in Lebanon.
The outlook for commercial real-estate in Kuwait remains negative due to…
Kuwaiti government owns almost all the oil and related services – production, distribution, refining, and marketing.
René Chamussy believes that having French universities like Université Saint-Joseph is a necessity. in 2003 Université Saint-Joseph became par of the European Credit Transfer System which was very welcomed by its students.
Fighting Diabetes is one of the biggest challenges the Gulf healthcare sector has to deal with. The Dasman Diabetes Institute aims to prevent and to mitigate the impact of diabetes in Kuwait.
Qatar’s banking sector grows 22.3% to US $190.6 billion in 2011.
TRA calculated the mobile penetration rate in the region of 197%.
Thierry Papillion, General Manager of Alios Finance
Alios Finance is complimentary to the banks and provides services to SMBs, which often say that banks are their nightmare. Alios Finance is close to its clients and works only in half of the banking field. Alios Finance is considered as a precursor to leasing because it started leasing in 1976.
Souleymane Diarrassouba, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Atlantique
Banque Atlantique Côte d’Ivoire is the oldest entity of the Atlantic Financial Group; it was founded in 1978. In the end of 2008, Banque Atlantique Côte d’Ivoire became third on the market. Currently, it is the second.