
imported 2024-03-17 17:43:06

Production de Cacao en Côte d’Ivoire : Interview avec Toussaint N’Guessan de l’OMCC

Toussaint N’Guessan partage son point de vue sur la situation actuelle des producteurs de cacao en Côte d’Ivoire et évoque un certain nombre de mesures à adopter pour rendre ce type d’agriculture durable. Il parle également de ses ambitions à long terme pour l’OMCC, l’Organisation Mondiale des Cultivateurs de Cacao.

Will Nigeria Become Self-Sufficient in Wheat Production? Exclusive Interview with Flour Mills of Nigeria GMD

“For over 50 years we have been in the wheat milling business and in that time we have imported wheat from various countries to produce the raw material for various industries. For instance, the flour that we produce from wheat we supply to the bakery industry. We also supply flour to the biscuit industry. We supply flour to the pasta and noodle industries and we supply flour to the confectionary industry which is very important.”

Tanzania’s Economic Policy: Focusing on Industrialization and Productivity

Clifford Tandari discusses the new government’s overall economic policy and talks about Tanzania’s focus on industrialization and productivity. He also explains what the country is doing in terms of investments and regional integration.

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