Saudi Retail

List of all articles filed under “saudi-retail” category.

Leading Online Payment Solutions Provider HyperPay to Expand its Product Range in Saudi Arabia

Muhannad Ebwini shares his assessment of the payment solutions sector in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, discussing trends and latest news. He also gives an overview of HyperPay, a complete B2B FinTech end-to-end platform for banks and merchants and one of the leading online payment solutions provider in the region, and talks about the next developments planned for the coming years.

L’Azurde has expanded to become the largest gold and jewelry manufacturer in the Middle East and North Africa region

L’Azurde started in Saudi Arabia 35 years ago. We have expanded to become the largest gold and jewelry manufacturer in the Middle East and North Africa region. We are the fourth largest in the world. This has happened thanks to continuous investments in technology, innovation, and manufacturing. Today, we invest in talented people and machines. We have more than 2,500 craftsmen and more than 600 different kinds of machines developing jewelry.

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