Salman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Explains What the Core Values of Bahrain International Circuit Are

Sheikh Salman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, Chief Executive at BIC (Bahrain International Circuit), explains what the core values of the motorsports venue are and discusses how BIC adapted to help Bahrain government during the COVID pandemic.

Sheikh Salman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, Chief Executive at BIC (Bahrain International Circuit), explains what the core values of the motorsports venue are and discusses how BIC adapted to help Bahrain government during the COVID pandemic.

“We have three values at the circuit that we built with the team and this came from them. Whatever we do, let’s do it from the heart and let’s do it from the people. Let’s ask them. So, I asked two questions: “Why do you show up to work?” and “What is important?”. That was it. And the two main responses were pride and passion. They are proud of this place and what it represents and how it shows the image of Bahrain and they are passionate about something within BIC (Bahrain International Circuit). It is not just Formula One, or drag racing, etc. The third is performance, for me. It is such an easy value to bear in mind. Whatever you do, from today, just use the three P’s and do it with that: do it with pride, with passion, and with performance. Then, it made my job easier because I do not have to list what I want them to do. They know their job. But, I want them to do it with a smile when they are proud. We introduced this in 2012. Because of these values, during COVID, when we were asked to help, the team jumped onboard and it was phenomenal. I was so proud of them. In April, when the pandemic was hitting really hard, people could not find ventilators. The government reached out to us for help. I went online and I saw a few open papers from MIT, sent it to my COO, and asked him to run this by the engineering team and see if there was any interest. Three days later, I will never forget, I got a call. They had two basic prototypes they wanted to show me. We could not use medical supplies because you could not find them. So, we had to use blow-off valves from racecars, injectors, etc. We worked on these two proposals, sent them to the Ministry of Health, they went to the test center, and after a week, it was all approved. We produced 200 of them in house, internal, between teams. The second element that I am still proud of and that we are still doing is the test center and vaccination center. Our teams have been running that since April 2020. Now, they are focusing more on vaccines. But, it is the skill set that you have, it is customer orientation, and people that are ready to solve a problem. All of that is our X Factor. The three P’s really helped us”, says Sheikh Salman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.


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